Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Watching Punkin & Peanut 9-4 to 9-8-2010

It has been absolutely gorgeous the last couple of days. Punkin, Peanut and I have spent a fair amount of time outside on the deck trying to enjoy the slight weather change. Saturday night and all day Sunday we ate and and enjoyed the sun, I am pretty sure that are the only two things we did for a full day. I've noticed the pups have become a lot better with eating their food when I put it out for them. Monday morning, I fed Punkin his medication and left the pups for work (yes, I worked on labor day). When I got home I found his pill on the floor of the kitchen and had to attempt to trick him into taking it again. He has been pretty good on not liking at his legs the last couple of days, but I have been spraying the area anyways just in case. Peanut had a very loud Monday night. She snored and whimpered through her sleep. They've both been very cuddly on the bed, Punkin always finding a spot to curl up next to my legs and Peanut up closer to my face. Everything has been going well, they just ate their breakfast and Punkin ate another pill today. Now off to enjoy another wonderful day.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Watching Punkin & Peanut 9-1 to 9-4-2010

I am watching Punkin and Peanut for two weeks, and I am really excited to stay with them for this long. When I got here on Wednesday they were excited to see me. I think they already missed their parents and really wanted company. Peanut was absolutely adorable. She wanted to play so bad and did this sort of pounce thing back and forth with me. Punkin ran around the entire house with one of his toys. Thursday, I feed the pups breakfast and had to leave for work (yes I am working about 3-4 days a week but I am only gone 9-1). When I got back the pups hadn't eaten their food yet, but as I was making myself something for lunch they seemed happy to chow done with me. Punkin was licking at his legs a lot, which I didn't see him doing on Wednesday, so I stopped him and put the ointments on him and that seemed to do the trick on stopping him for a while. The pups were happy to hang out and watch movies all night with me. Friday morning I had to leave them for work again. They weren't to happy to see me go in the morning but were surprised to see me home so soon. Punkin took his medicine in the morning with no problem, its a good thing they love turkey so much, he doesn't even really chew it and doesn't notice the pill. Peanut had been sleeping on the very bottom corner of the bed for the last two night but last night she changed her m/o and decided she now wants to sleep right next to me all night. She hasn't done that before but she is now curling up right next to me in bed. She also had what I call puppy dreams last night. She sprawled out a little and started letting out little yelps in her sleep, in between her snores. Punkin has started out at my feet every night but then ends up in his puppy bed in the foot of the bed by the middle of the night. They have been quite a joy to be with the last couple days. I left my transfer cord at home, so no new pictures of the pups yet.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Walking Chad 7-22-2010

Chad was happy again to see me when I walked in the front door. He is such a little wiggler. We went out in the back first and all he really wanted to do is snuggle. I fed him a small bowl of food. I think Mr. Chad really loves the homemade food his mommy made for him. We then went for a walk around the neighborhood. Some neighborhood kids were playing up the street and and they came over to pet his fro and all commented on it. Chad loved it. We went home, drank some water, and Chad went in his create without a complaint.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Walking Chad 7-20-2010

I met Chad yesterday, he is the new addition for a newly wed couple, and from the two experiences I've had with him, I would say he was a perfect addition. Chad was really excited while I was opening the front door. I could hear him whimpering in excitement as I turned the key. Unfortunately, he got a little too excited and had a slight accident in his create, but he is a pup, what can you do! When I got there I took him directly out to the back yard. I tried to play ball with him for a few but he didn't really seem that interested in a game of fetch. We then went inside were I feed him a small bowl of lunch. Which he finished without hesitation. We then went for a walk down the street and back, he was excited to be out and about. He knew without hesitation which house was his and headed straight for the front door. We hung out in the back so I could snap a few pictures and back in the create for Chad. He was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with. I left his new medication on the counter next to the refrigerator.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Watching Miley 7-3-2010 - 7-5-2010

Saturday afternoon was a lazy day. It was hot outside so I kept Miley's walk short but we did pick up some froyo before we headed home. We spent the rest of the evening lounging around the apartment watching HGTV. When it got dark we went for a walk up Wilson, everyone loves Miley. Everyone wants to know what she is and pet her. I think 3 people said "that's a tall dog". I said thanks for the observation :). Sunday morning we woke up nice and early and went to the dog park all morning. Again the heat was overwhelming but Miss Miley didn't care. The daycare report card is right she is a social butterfly, she was the first dog at the gate every time a new dog would come. She never stayed with one dog for too long but she would defiantly have to check out what each and every dog was doing. She BFF'ed a bulldog who didn't want to leave her when her parents tried to make her go. She played frisbee with another dog for about 5 minutes before she wanted to do something else. We stayed in the shade for most of the time to make sure Miley wouldn't over heat. The rest of Sunday was pretty lazy. I didn't want to let her in the heat too much so we slept on the couch till the early evening. This morning, Miley was up at 7am, raring to go. I took her to the dog park for about a half hour, but there weren't any other dogs there. I made her chase me back and forth in the pen before we headed back to the apartment. I left her this afternoon around 1230 with a quick walk through the Ivy.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Watching Miley 7-1-2010 - 7-3-2010

So I got to Miley on Thursday evening. She was so happy to see me, she just attacked me with kisses and whines. I absolutely lover her greetings. We went for a walk and made the bed then I left her for dinner. She was happy for my return in the evening when we went back outside... I've avoided the car that was supposed to be missing to ensure less confusion (hehe j/k). Friday morning, Miss Miley woke me up with nudges and kisses at 630. I think she thought I was late for work. We went out for a walk to get her business taken care of, feed her breakfast and then we both went back to sleep for a couple extra hours. Once we realized how gorgeous it was we found some adventures to go on. First we went up to the dog park in Bethesda to meet up with Misty and Violet for a play date. There were a bunch of other dogs there, I'm guessing everyone was playing hooky before the holiday weekend. There was a beagle that made Miley's ears his chew toys and a bulldog that helped her dig a hole to lay down in. After all the girls seemed tired of the park, we brought them back to Sarah's house for a keep run around her back yard. Misty and Violet chased Miley around the yard while Miley showed her agility by ducking through and over most obstacles. There was one moment where she totally wiped out, tripped on a brick and slide into a metal post. Poor puppy, but she got up and shock it off and kept playing. She also went for a swim in the pool. I don't know if she has had a chance to do that our not, but she is a born swimmer, she got full into the water and paddled her way across. She knew to get into the pool at the stairs, but she had an issue realizing that was the easiest way out as well. Whenever she wanted to get out she would swim to the side put her paws on the edge and try to scale the pool wall and climb her way out of the pool. She was definitely struggling! After she left Misty and Violet, we took a trip to my house. There she met Buttons, who I think really adored Miss Miley, and Isis. Again, I don't know how much experience she has with cats, but this was an interesting interaction. They just stared at each other sniffing each other for a few minutes. I'm not sure if Isis knew what to think of Miley, but then they both started swatting at each other with their paws... not in an aggressive way almost in a playful way. At night we headed back to Arlington for dinner and a late evening walk. This morning we woke early for the Argentina vs Germany Game. Before the game I took Miley for a long walk around Arlington. She took me for a tour of the local watering holes. We just came in from an afternoon quick walk and plan to take a quick rest while we wait for the day to cool down, then plan of finding a little adventure this early evening.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Walking Heidi 7-1-2010

Today I had the my first walk with Heidi, an absolutely lovely Golden Retriever. When I got to the house, she was upstairs. I actually had to call her a couple of times to get her to come downstairs. When she did she kinda crept down the stairs and laid flat and submissive at my feet, I'm not sure she recognized me. Her parents live really close to the dog park so I took her there for some extra fun. When I first got there, the park was empty and I didn't have a ball for her to chase. But leave it to the dog park to have extra tennis balls laying around. She absolutely LOVES to retrieve, I am not sure there is anything else in the world that would make her happier. She was almost hyperventilating she chased the ball so many times. I had to talk her into relaxing and taking a drink of water. We sat on the grass and I got to give her some love for a little bit. Other dogs came, and as her parents told me, she didn't even seem to notice them. I think I finally wore her out, because the last throw before we left she didn't chase the ball. I took her home and feed her some dinner, which she ate as fast as she could. She was a pleasure to spend time with.